My PH hackaton app, Diversify your twitter followers


At this period of my life, I just want to focus on learning how to create stuff for the internet. As I am learning, I noticed all the stuff I create is mainly inspired by the same people/influencers (and they are awesome!). But I want to expand my points of view, way of designing, thinking of different apps to create, etc.

So I want to find people from other background, that do crazy internet things and learn from them too. Having a hard time finding them.

What will the app do?

Will be using Twitter’s api to get millions of people, than “tag” them and make it easy to search. Not just by gender and ethnicity, but also by place they work and their interests.

Follow and build it with me!

I am creating this during the ProductHunt’s november one month hackaton.

If you want to get early access to the app, as well as provide feedback while I am building it, join my ProductHunt upcoming page:

Credit to Startup L. Jackson for inspiring this idea first.